The Pocomoke City Christmas Parade Association takes great honor in inviting your organization to participate in Delmarva’s Finest Christmas Parade on Monday night on December 2nd, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Rain date is Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024. Judges will award trophies in the following categories:
· Best Overall Appearing Fire Company
· 2nd Best Overall Appearing Fire Company
· Best Appearing Marching Unit
· Best Appearing Motorized or Non- Motorized Antique Fire Apparatus
· Best Appearing Modern Firefighting, Rescue, or EMS equipment
· Floats will be judged under the non-commercial floats category with Plaques and prizes awarded to 1st and 2nd places.
Due to the size of our parade, only one (1) entry in each of the above listed categories shall be permitted in the line of march. A van or command vehicle will be permitted, as will vehicles for any Fire Prevention Queens.
All cash prizes will be mailed out the week following the parade. No Monies will be handed out on the night of parade except travel money for bands.
* You are required to read the rules before filling out any application.
If you have any questions please contact Mike Shannon at 410-726-5777.