Rules and Information
Monday, December 2nd, 2024.
(The parade is always the first Monday after Thanksgiving unless there is a postponement.)
7:00 P.M. SHARP
Rain Date:
Tuesday, December 3, 2024. Media and schools will be alerted by 2:00 p.m. if there is a postponement.
Old Virginia Rd and Market St on the south end of town one block west of the U.S. 13/U.S 113 intersection. State Highway message signs will direct you in. Check-in opens at 5:00 p.m. Line-Up numbers will ONLY be Provided at Check-In.
Staging Area:
Market St from Old Virginia Rd to 14th St, including side streets.
Rest Rooms:
Rest rooms will be provided at the Catholic Church hall near Check-In; Glad Tidings Assembly of God on Market St. across from Shore-Stop; and at City Hall on Clarke Ave behind reviewing stand.
Parade Route:
Starts at 14th St and Market, proceeds north on Market through the Downtown area and disbands at the Pocomoke River bridge.
Reviewing Stand:
The reviewing stand is located in the Downtown section on your right at Clarke Ave.
Professional judges in their respective disciplines, including the National Judges Association (NJA), will select the winning entries. Their decisions will be final.
Trophies will be awarded in many categories. These are listed under separate letter.
NO PAUSES TO PERFORM ARE PERMITTED IN THE LINE OF MARCH! A short pause of no more than 2 minutes will be permitted ONLY at the reviewing stand.
Santa Claus:
There is only ONE real Santa, and he takes up his place of honor at the rear of the parade. No other LIVE Santa is permitted in our parade.
All equestrian units MUST either have diaper bags or provide a clean up crew that walks immediately behind the horses. It is unacceptable to ask marchers to submit to horse deposits.
Although there is no specific theme, we ask all entrants to keep in mind the meaning of the holiday when designing an entry. WITHOUT EXCEPTION, ALL COMMERCIAL ENTRIES MUST BE DECORATED WITH A HOLIDAY THEME or they will be excluded.
There will be no Auto/Truck/ATV clubs of any such allowed to drive in parade only a decorated float is allowed
There is no fee to enter the Pocomoke City Christmas Parade.
Safety Issues:
THE THROWING OF ANY ITEM FROM PARADE ENTRIES, INCLUDING CANDY, IS PROHIBITED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE EXCLUSION. It is permitted to hand items to spectators who are located on the sidewalks or behind safety lines.
A contingent of numerous police officers from several agencies including State Police, Sheriff’s Deputies, Ocean City Police and Military Police will be on duty to assist Pocomoke Police during the event to ensure the safety of our parade participants and spectators. Parade officials in neon green vests will also be along the parade route to offer any assistance.
Please maintain a space of at least 20 feet but no more than 50 feet between your unit and the unit in front of you.
End of Route:
Please do not stop on Market St at the end of the parade route to break down your entry. This creates a massive back up along the parade. Instead proceed over the River Bridge and then pull off to the side of the road to break down the units.
All entries must be received by midnight on November 24, 2023.
Officials of the Pocomoke City Christmas Parade Association reserve the right to exclude any entry that does not adhere to these rules. Also entries that are considered inappropriate for the event will be excluded. These include, but are not limited to, entries with inappropriate music, signage, those lacking proper decorations, or entries deemed to not provide entertainment value for the audience. All participants are expected to behave with proper decorum in the line of March or face exclusion.
Mike Shannon at 410-726-5777